Jim & Debbie Dahl and Bill Kramer arrived Monday evening to join the setup crew. They have been a big help so far. Lots of action on the building scene. The septic tank & system went in Tuesday morning

the motor & outdrive went on the bayliner Tuesday afternoon thank you Bill Kramer & Ed Shoemaker

and we finished framing the Restroom. This is Jim Dahl hanging the doors.

As of now the restroom is almost sheeted on the outside, and all the electrical is complete, thanks to LeAnn Peterson & daughter Kendra.

We did take a break during the low water period yesterday & let loose on the salmon.

Ed Clark battling one of the 6 fish he pulled in Wednesday.

Davis Peterson, not to be outdone also limited

Ed & Janet Clark are trying out our new fish cleaning station which is working GREAT!

Our fish count is 38 silvers so far. We are going out again today for a couple of hours. We should be able to increase that count a bit. Luke & Davis have a couple of boats in the water so we can attack by land & sea!

We had a great Wednesday night service last night with several members of the local community attending.

Well I’m off to catch a few silvers, then back to work.

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