We warmly welcome the first camp – Howard Hooper Jr, Howard Hooper III, Mike & Eric Hofer, Mike Butlet, Wes Gossage, Don Knowles, Joel Conwrath and guest speaker, Pastor Bill Bull.  Also arriving was Camp co-founder, Joe Schacher and sons Jack & Sam.  These campers have hit the ground running and may have already surpassed last weeks fish count.

The Hoopers Whooping it up with limits on their first day.

Joe Schacher helping finish the plumbing.

Rookie Camper Joel Conwrath on his way to 5 silvers before breakfast his first day!

Luke gathering crab for dinner, yummmmm!

This weeks campers are comprised of 4 pairs of people that did not know each other at the beginning of the week.  It’s only the second day & you can’t tell who came with who.  Lasting friendships are being made.

Pastor Bill is teaching from John Chapter 21.  It is easy for us fishermen to relate to those fishermen.

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