The discontinuation of our local coho run may be a blessing in disguise.  We, as a board, have been praying and waiting on the Lord for direction.  This past summer groups came up over four weeks to work on the facilities.  Concrete footings were poured under most cabins and much work was accomplished.

The disruption of the run has caused us to ask and answer the basic question, What are we? and What is our purpose? Our preliminary answer to those questions are,

We are a Fish Camp that exists to glorify God by helping men pursue and catch fish and grow their faith through the process.

If our purpose is to help men catch fish and grow their faith through the process then that clarifies our future.  We need to have camps that allow our campers to catch fish and grow their faith.  We are actively planning a schedule, based out of Whale Pass, to do this starting this coming summer 2024.  If you have ideas or suggestions about this please let us know.

In addition, as I talk to various people and churches I am reminded about how this ministry connects and resonates with so many people.  People get excited about it.  God has been so faithful and Fish Camp has been impactful to so many people over the years.  Our vision is getting bigger.  What if we offered more camps at different times of the year in different places.  We are praying and open for the possibility of expansion.

Pray with us about this.

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