First of all, sorry I haven’t updated the blog in a while. It’s been a busy week. I’ll do better this week I promise!!

The second group of guys left yesterday, and it’s time to put the cap on another great week. This large group of campers came in mostly from Oregon, although there was one from as far away as Philadelphia. Although diverse, every camper had one thing in common… they caught a TON of FISH!!!

Bringing home a total of 23 fish boxes, the guys really slammed the fish hard, both by the mouth and using the good ole’ Klawock spinner. They really got into it…especially Mike, who, after snagging a fish, would set his rod down and do a little jig, attracting quite a few stares from the locals!

Pink was the color this week. For all of you yet to come up, I would put quite a few pink lures in your box. The pink blue fox spinner with the silver blade works great, as well as the pink Mepps Flying C.

The halibut trips this week started out rough. Once again, the Bayliner is giving us some engine problems. The first group of guys weren’t able to get out to the halibut grounds because of continuous engine trouble. However, Dale, the acting mechanic and captain, was able to gather enough volunteers to try again, and they made up for the last trip by limiting out the boat! Captain Dale, as well as the fishermen, were ecstatic to say the least.

These halibut range from 15 to 40 lbs.

The second halibut group also brought in some nice fish as well

Bill Bull, Retired Pastor from Harrington, WA, gave great messages this week on a variety of subjects, from forgiveness to asking God to reveal Himself. One of the best times of the week was doing a communion service on Friday night. It really put a climatic end to the week and brought the guys together. It was a great time.

Thanks to all of the guys for being so accommodating as we’re still getting stuff set up, fixed, and organized. We were blessed to have you all in camp this week.

Here’s the group photo.

Back row, left to right: Kirk, Timothy, Doug, Jack, Bill, Wes, Jared, Ryan, Scott, Dale, Richard

Seated: Mike, Kevin.

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