This weekend was a mixture of work and fun. On Saturday the staff set out on a halibut trip. It was tough fishing… the tide was running strong, making it hard to keep our bait on the bottom, but we managed to pull in 5 halibut, ranging from about 20 – 35 lbs. We’ve almost got the halibut boat figured out now… we can run it at 3/4 throttle for about 20 minutes until it overheats, then we have to keep it down at about 9 mph the rest of the way, making for approximately 1 1/2 hours of travel time one way. It’s not the best, but at least it’s consistent. It’ll still catch fish!

Addie has been keeping up with the family tradition as well…

As most of you know, there’s always something that needs to be done at Fish Camp, and thankfully we have enough staff to keep things going! We currently have 9 staff members in camp this week: Tracy, Mark, Jim, Patsy, Mike, Ed S, Ed C, Hannah, and myself, and we’ve all been busy. But we enjoy it… it’s great to be serving God in such a beautiful place as this!

The third camp came in last night. Most of the men are veterans, and are already catching loads of fish.

thanks for your prayers

  2 Responses to “Staff days”

  1. Addie, That’s a fantastic fish.

    First I didn’t know if the leg picture was Dorothy’s house crushing the wicked witch of the East, but knowing Mark, he was down and dirty fixing a leak in the bathroom.
    Anxious to see you guys on Sunday.

    Luke, thanks for the continued posts… me, tons of guys are checking in. You have a silent, but LARGE fan club!

  2. Thanks Howard! Looking forward to seeing you in a week!
    And, believe it or not, that’s actually me down there. But don’t worry… Dad has had his share of mud too! 🙂
    Have a safe trip.

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